Sunday, December 22, 2013

                                    CHILD   LABOUR

 Child labour is, generally speaking, work by children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally, or by blocking their access to education).

Childhood is the most innocent phase in human life. It is that stage of life when the human foundations are laid for a successful adult life. Many children, instead of spending it in a carefree and fun-loving manner while learning and playing, are scarred and tormented. They hate their childhood and would do anything to get out of the dungeons of being children and controlled and tortured by others. They would love to break-free from this world, but continue to be where they are, not out of choice, but force. This is the true story of child labor.

The two primary reasons for the ever-growing social malice of child labor are poverty and lack of education. Poor parents give birth to children thinking them as money-making machines. 

They carry infants to earn more on the streets from begging. Then as they grow they make them beggars, and eventually sell them to employers. This malady is rampant across the length and breadth of India.

Poverty, lack of good schools and growth of informal economy are considered as the important causes of child labour in India.

children in India were in a hazardous or unsafe jobs. UNICEF estimates that India with its larger population, has the highest number of laborers in the world under 14 years of age, while sub-Saharan African countries have the highest percentage of children who are deployed as child labour.

 Now the time is to stop this social issue, now it is our duty to SAY NO TO CHILD LABOUR we should stop people and obey the laws which have been made by our government. So that we should be able to fight against this monster of a problem.

     Now is the time to join hands and stand up like a mountain, to fight this so that INDIA can once again be called a GOLDEN SPARROW

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